Part 1
Dips tells RK that she loves him more than herself..! Madhu tells Paddo that she started it all .. she was stubborn to bring Bappa home..she challenged RK..n RK stepped out thereby endagnering his life! Paddo says that why Madhu is seeing the pain that RK is suffering? He has regained faith from Bappa! Paddo asks what is it thats hurting Madhu?? Madhu says ..her breath stopped when RK got shot.. and when Doc said .. his heart stopped working.. her heratbeat stopped for a moment..! She says..the same RK who hurt her family..she wanted to nurse him ..! She feels guilty.. of cheating on her family!
Paddo says RK is a very good person.. and Madhu saw the goodness in him.. so what Madhu feels for RK is right ..!
Radha comes to check on RK but he stays indifferent …! He asks Radha who gave him blood? Radha tries to divert! RK asks all of them to leave..! Radha is in tears and about to leave when Madhu sees her and asks the matter but Radha doesnt answer!
Dips says she wants to tie the taveez on him! Madhu comes inside and sees Dips clinging to RKs neck ! She is uncomfy seeing RK-Dips! RK says that the bullet that went near his heart.. affected him .. RK was reborn as new RK ! He tells Madhu that it was all coz of Dips! Madhu looks away..! RK extends his hand and makes Dips sit next to him on the bed as Madhu looks away! He tells her that once upon a time . .he n Dips used to love each other a lot..! Madhus face falls as Dips smiles!
RK asks Dips if she loves him just as much even today? Dips says even more..! Madhu looks on shocked n ! RK says that his blood group is rare… and in the end.. his blood group matched ..with Dips..! Madhu is ! RK says its true love.. Mughal-e-azam types..!
RK suggests to start a new life with Dips and Madhu turns to leave ! RK asks her to stay back…to be witness to his NEW LOVE! RK suggests to prove to the whole world that his n Dips love is so true that their blood group is same too! RK gets up .. takes a knife ..!
Part 2
Dips is scared and Madhu looks on with a knowing glance as RK says.. its to prove her love..! Dips struggles.. to free her hand..! Rk says.. ‘ishq ka imtihan hai.. hosh me nahi liya ja sakta’! Dip shouts on RK .. n asks what he is doing? RK says..its the effect of her blood in his veins..! Dips tells RK that Madhu gave him blood! RK removes the taveez and returns to Dips n asks her to leave..!
Part 3
Madhu says there was no need for drama.. if he needed to know..he could have asked her..! RK asks.. why she din tell him upfront and why she gave him blood? RK shakes Madhu and feels a rtinge of pain and Madhu helps him to lie dow non the bed! RK asks her why she gave blood.. n Madhu says ..coz if she needed.. he would have done the same… yes?? BG- Hum to dewane! Rishbala eyelcok..!
Precap — Ward boy comes and tells Madhu phonecall has come for her..! A male figure comes near RK with knife.. .. and about to attack!
Episode starts with the old scene, RK asking madhu why did you gave me Blood. Madhu replies that you wold have done the same thing which I did. Bittu ji comes in. And says that I am very happy that you are fine. He tells him that Madhu went bare foots to the temple and prayed for your health and then only you are alive. Madhu and RK eye lock. Bittu ji tells Madhu to go and meet the doc as they say that we can shift RK from ICU to normal room. Madhu leaves with a eye lock with RK. RK ask bittu ji wheather we got to know who the shooter is. He says not know.
Paddo comes and shamo says that u came. Both starts with an argument. And pado says that dont forget that just like us, he has a family too. If when you were in hospital we prayed for you then same only RK has a family who prayed for him. Shammo gets mad and says that you are favouring him who did so much with us. Ruiened both my daughters dreams. Who breaked Madhu’s engagement. Pado says that he is not a bad person. Shamo doesnt listen and leaves.
Bhatia ji and sikki is in RK’s room and Sikki gets jealous seeing RK’s pics. Kooko ji opens the draw and sees a bottle and dips comes too. Sikki sees Dips. She informs that police has came
Madhu in phone with bittu ji and says that you take your dinner and then come, I m here only. Phone rings, Shamo is there. Ward boy picks the phone and he comes to madhu and says that its your phone.She says to take care of RK as she is coming in a moment. On the other hand Shamo is in docs dress with a knife in his hand. He is walking towards RK’s room. He enters the room. Police thinks its the doc who went inside. Shamo takes the knife out. RK sleeping. He comes near RK. Madhu on the other handpics the phone but no one is there on the phone and suddenly thinks that RK is in danger and runs to him.
Madhu comes inside and shamo face is visible. Madhu thinks its the doc but then she shes the knife in his hand and runs to him yelling RK. He stops Shamo and yells RK. RK opens his eyes and trys to stop Shamo. Madhu grabing Shamo and yells and calls the police. RK gets a cut. Madhu runs to RK and makes him sit. Shamo runs, the police person also runs behind him but misses him. He calls the police station and informs them. Shamo playing hide and seek with the police person. He comes out with his normal cloaths.
Madhu sees the cut in RK’s hand. she calls bittu ji and tells him to come. Madhu sees a shadow and comes outside and its shamo.
She sees shamo and is shocked. Police comes. so does bittu ji comes to. And warns the police that if anything happens to RK he wont spare anyone. Madhu ask shamo you here. Shamo says that I came here to meet you. Bittu ji comes to Madhu. Madhu tells Shamo that I will meet you later and both goes to RK. RK tells bittu ji that you arranged so much scurity then what is happening. He says that I will look into this and leaves.
More Police come and they stop Shamo. Inspector asks him what are you doing here? Police man that was present there says, that guy had doctor clothes on and that’s why I let him go inside else..Shamo has sigh of relief. Police says, only Mrs. Kundra and Bittu ji has permission to be here at this time. Shamo doesn’t have anything to say and he just goes, me.. that. Police ask, do you have visitor pass? Then show me. Madhu is staring at Shamo in a shock.

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