Sona scolds Dev for recording her voice. Their argument starts and power goes. She gets afraid. Servant says even inverter is not working. Dev switches his mobile’s torch on and walks around home to find candles. Sona follows him. His mobile switches off and he asks her mobile. She gives mobile and he asks where is torch. She says no torch in it. He then goes into kitchen and finds matchbox, lights stick and stares at her face. They then sits on sofa and she says she needs to go to washroom but is afraid of darkness. He asks how can anyone be afraid of darkness so much. She says Saurabh makes weird voices in dark and she got afraid. He says he will take her to washroom. She asks to speak to her. He says how can he and takes her to washroom and stands out.
English teacher gives her fairy tales book and asks her to read. She asks what fairies mean. He says angels’ stories. She says she does not believe in angels or prince/princess. He says she should believe in all this and prince does not have to come on horse and can come in auto also and can be found even in malls, class, etc.
Dev laughs on Sona loudly that she is afraid of dark. She gets embarrassed. She then reaches home and sees dad beating Saurabh. Dad says Saurabh is playing with his dignity, neighbors think he has taken distributorship of undergarments and one lady asks to inform when cotton variety comes. Saurabh requests Sona to take her side. Dad spares Saurabh. Saurabh says he has to deliver order to neighbor tomorrow. Dad runs behind him. Sona and mom laugh.
Sona goes back to work in the morning and sees Nikki and Ria laughing on a joke and Dev getting irritated. She asks why Dev is silient. Nikki says he never laughs. She reminisces him laughing and asks if he really does not laugh. Nikki says they are his sisters and know him well. Sona goes and gets busy in kitchen. Mom calls her and asks if she uploaded her profile in matrimonial site. Sona checks her profile on site and sees Dev’s office’s mobile number. She goes and tells Ishwari that she needs to go home early as she has some important work. Radha yells and says she should do her important work on Sunday. Ishwari permits her. Radha asks her to keep dirty plates in kitchen. Ishwari says she will pick and tries, but Sona takes plates and leaves. Ishwari asks Radha not to be harsh on Sona.
Dev reaches office and assistant informs him that already 63 calls came for Sona and she cannot interview them all. He says she should. Sona reaches office and asks her why did Dev add her profile in matrominal site. She forcefully goes to Dev’s cabin and asks how dare he is to add her profile in matrimonial site, if he is her brother, uncle, relative..She continues shouting and Dev silently listens.
Precap: Nikki gathers family to play dumb charades and asks Dev to join them.
Update Credit to: MA
Sona comes to Dev’s office and scolds him for uploading her profile on matrimonial site. She asks what if she posts her profile that an arrogant, boring 27 to 28 year old man seeks a girl for marriage. She continues shouting and leaves. He murmurs she is too much. His secretary jokes not to worry, she will not upload his profile.
Dev’s uncle writes his house furniture and appliance list to claim insurance. Radha comes from shopping and says she bought shirts for him and Vicky. He scolds her from where did she get money. She says jiji/Ishwari gave her and leaves yelling at him. Ishwari comes and says her brother that money is for spending. Brother says he does not like overspending someone’s money like this.
Sona goes home and Saurabh jokes
that Dev’s parttime business of matrimonial will work well, he uploaded a nice profile of Sona. Dad also jokes that Dev is a very helpful man. Their nok jhok continues. Sona goes to her room and looking at praises for her on profile thinks what is Mr. Obodro, arrogant boss or helping friend.
Sona comes to work in the morning and sees Dev and Vicky exercises. Dev wins in pushup competition and Vicky says he won as he goes to high profile gym with good trainer. Dev says even he can go to his gym and they will compete after 1 month. He sees Sona and says she came late today. She says biceps, looking at his biceps, instead of okay. He asks which flowers she likes and thanks her for not uploading his profile on matrimonial site.
Sona goes to kitchen and sees Radha mixing spices in Ishwari’s food. Kichu complains. Radha starts yelling at Kichu and then Sona. Sona says she cannot let her serve this food to Ishwari. Radha starts fighting and throws plate on plate and cries loudly instead. Ishwari comes and takes her side and scolds Sona instead.
Whole family sits for breakfast. Radha continues crying. Ishwari consoles her. Bunty also comes. Nikki says let us play a game. Radha says she is not a kid. Bunty says even mama will play game. Radha agrees and says they will play antakshari. Nikki says they will play dumb charades and divides team between Bunty and Ria. She asks Sona also to join, but Radha insults her. Nikki asks Dev to join. Dev says he has work. Bunty says he will not become Bill Gates if he plays for 30 min. Radha insists Sona again and Sona tries to leave, but Nikki holds her hand.
Precap: Radha asks Sona to mop floor. Dev says it is not her work. Radha yells he has given lenience to servant. Dev angrily calls everyone.
Update Credit to: MA

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