Adri and Matias check into their room. She’s trying to work out the sleeping arrangements (me in the bed and you in the chair) and he’s in a sharing mood (why don’t we both sleep in the bed?). She admits she wants to make love with him but not yet; she wants their relationship to mature a bit. He says if his princess wants to wait then they’ll wait. I’m starting to like this guy again. There is another scene of compliments, kisses and Adri even tears up a little with all the “te amos”. Matias goes off to take a shower, a cold one I imagine. On the bed Adri gushes at how perfect it all is.
Isidro tells Inez that although getting the Guadalajara offer was a flattery (halago) he has everything he needs in the DF and if Inez wants to stay there then he will remain with her and Andresito. Whoa, are all the guys getting over their grumpy sickness? Maybe the women are getting over their stupid virus too.
Renata revels in Jero’s spoonage and thought bubbles she doesn’t know what she’s going to do, or he either, but the only thing she does know is she doesn’t want to be separated from him, ever.
Matis sleeps uncomfortably in a couple of wicker chairs while Adri takes up the whole big bed. A fire alarm goes off which frightens her. Matias wakes, pronounces it a false alarm, and suggests he and Adri watch a movie together to calm down. He jumps into bed with her and snuggles down as the program starts. Isn’t he the sneaky one?
We get a beautiful shot of San Felipe Lighthouse in the morning, then cut to Adri and Matias, sound asleep in what appears to be an innocent clinch.
Adri gets her 7:00 wake-up call wishing Señora Monterrubio and her husband a great day. She whispers this tidbit of info in his sleepy ear which makes her giggle and him a little randy.
Over in the DF Adri’s best friend has also enjoyed playing missus, but now Renata says she’s got lots to do and has to leave. Jero wants her to stay, he’ll cook her a yummy breakfast. She insists on leaving but not before laying a huge passionate kiss on him. “Do you love me?” he asks. “With all my heart,” she vows.
Regina admires her wedding dress in the morning light. A shadow falls on her, figuratively, and that shadow is Berta. She throws some cold water on ‘mommy’ by asking if it was the dress she was going to use to marry Antonio? Regina wants Berta to help her look for an apartment; she’s got to sell the house in order to pay back Jero. Natually Berta thinks it’s fine to freeload for a while and postpone payback but Gina wants to pay Jero back ASAP. It sounds like Gonzo is also having money problems while EM gets back on its feet. Regina tells Berta her inheritance is not available until she’s 25 but the money is all hers and she can spend it as she likes, for now all she can give Berta is all her love. Berta makes the eye-rolling ugly face behind Gina’s back. OK Berta, it’s comparison time. Make a list if you have to. Start with - Fina: Wants all the money including mine. Regina: Doesn’t want a cent of what she believes is my money.
Hons and Gonz are also discussing finances. Hons insists Gonzo doesn’t owe Malafina anything at this point. She’s a fugitive from justice (profuga de justicia) for pete’s sake and she deserves NADA! Even though Gonzo keeps his promises he should break this one and not give Fina his house. In a few days his house will be available and he and Gina should move into it and redecorate to get rid of Fina’s bad vibes (mala vibra). Gonzo will suggest it to Regina but when they are able to they will get their own place. Gonzo says that his princess Renata should ultimately get the house. Roberta will get her inheritance so Renata should get hers. (Ooooh Berta and Fina are gonna be so pissed!)
A convention-goer mistakes Adri for Matias’s wife and Matias doesn’t correct him. (The guy also shamelessly checks out Adri’s shapely behind!) She’s a little annoyed that Matias didn’t bother to correct the guy but Mat thinks it’s fun if people think they are married. Adri claims it’s a lie but Matias says it’s an honor for him that anyone thinks she is his wife.
Gina aks her BFFs Coni and Inez to help with her wedding. Inez announces she’s not moving to Guadalajara after all, squealing hugs all around. Regina offers to let Inez use the Regina’s Hope facilities for Inez’s new foundation. It’s love fest time.
Malafina is in a different wig. I liked her last one better. Berta meets her in a cafe and they pretend not to know each other while having a covert confab. Berta needs money. If Fina wants the info she asked for then she’ll have to pay for it. Fina suggests Berta ask her new mama for money. Berta reminds her Gina doesn’t have any money left and Daddy doesn’t either at the moment. Berta adds that Fina told Berta without her (Fina) Berta would have nothing, but she doesn’t have anything now. She threatens that she could scream right now, turn Fina in and she wouldn’t lose a thing because she has nothing to lose. She’s learned from mommy dearest and says the pupil has surpassed the teacher. Fina’s scary evil face says she thinks otherwise.
Jero runs into a smug Augustin at the airport. Jero says ‘his woman’ will be along later. He warns Augi to say away from his woman, his people and his hacienda. There is another scene of chest-thumping and tie-measuring and Jero, confident Renata is on his team forever, confidently stalks off. Augi thought bubbles they will see who laughs last. When Jero finds out he is Marina’s baby-daddy Augi will use it to get Renata to return to him, bwahahahaha!!
Matias gives a boring speech about how EM maintained clients and business during their recent hardship, yawn. His pride is infections, however, and he is well-received by the audience. The lech (Sr. Ibarolla?) from earlier says he’ll look Matias up in the DF which seems to please both Matias and Adri. They go off to enjoy paradise.
Marina arrives at work and she has a visitor. She is impactada when Renata walks through the door and asks, “Is it true you are expecting Jeronimo’s baby?” “How did you find out?” “It’s true then.”
Maritata confirms it and Nata reveals that Augi spilled the beans. Maritata admits she was not planning to say anything to Jero because the baby was not planned. Nata and Marina are amazingly mature. Most telenovela characters would be screaming at and threatening each other. Nata comments that Jero has a right to know, doesn’t he? Mari asks Nata what would she do in her place? Would she want a man to be with her out of a sense of duty and not love? Because that’s what might happen if Jero knows. Marina tells Nata the one that Jero loves is Renata. Mari doesn’t want her baby to grow up with a father who is with them out of obligation only. It would have been easy to blackmail Jero into a relationship but that’s not her style. “Renata, the one Jero wants to spend his life with is you, not me.” Brava Doctora! These two are definitely over the stupid virus...for now.
Now we have an uncomfortable conversation where Lazaro pleads with Kari not to leave town. She sadly tells him he doesn’t love her and gives her ring back. All of a sudden they are interrupted by Alfonsina staggering into the room. She’s scared because the baby’s on the way!
Marina hopes that Nata won’t say anything to Jero either. Nata says her relationship with Jero has had many obstacles. Mari admits that her relationship with Jero was very crowded because Renata was always there between them. Nata apologizes sincerely and Mari insists Jero doesn’t have to know her secret.
Over at La Bonita Manuela, Herminia and Matilde gossip about Jero and Renata, Jero and Marina, Renata and Augi, and Laz and Kari. Manuela pronounces that Jero and Renata are meant for each other, and instead of grumbling (rezongona) Mati should thank God that Cupid is back in the house.
Now we get an unplugged concert in two different keys superimposed on Renata. Wait a minute, the guitarist is actually on the beach behind her. She recalls happy times with Jero and thought bubbles she doesn’t want to tell Jero about Marina and renounce the most marvelous thing in her life. Your recapper gets a break during Renata’s many flashbacks. “Oh my God what should I do?” she weeps. More flashbacks, crack open a beer for myself, cry with Renata.
Jero, oblivious to her torment, happily arrives home and hugs everyone. Carlos wonders where Renata is and Mati asks “Who died?” Nobody, Renata just had stuff to do and will be there later. Mati hopes so because solo arrivals mean bad luck. Jero hugs Mati and tells her no bad luck, his relationship with Renata is a pure blessing.
Super Lazaro carries Alfonsina into the clinic and the nurse sends some kid out to get Marina, pronto!!
Manuela is busy slapping some masa silly when Renata arrives at La Bonita. Manuela is happy to have Renata there and thrilled that her love with Jero overcame all obstacles. Renata neither denies nor confirms.
Back at the beautiful Sea of Cortez Matias and Adri continue to play Mr. and Mrs. He says he doesn’t want anyone or anything to ruin their paradise. The camera pans up into the palm tree. Do anvils grow on palms?
Jero and Carlos visit the vineyard and discuss the future vintage of San Rafael wine. A lovely vision approaches, it’s Renata of the vineyard come to give Jero a kiss and a hug. She admits her outstanding business was with Marina. There is a secret she needs to discuss with him. It’s not about her (Renata) however (sin embargo) it affects her. Jero says now he’s getting worried. Renata doesn’t beat around the bush - “Marina is expecting your child.” And tonight's episode ends with about six different camera views of Jero's cara impactada.