Pulkit says sorry to his father. You had to face so many problems because of me. Thank you for supporting me. Niru in turn thanks Saloni for taking her statement back on time. They notice Ganga standing there. Niru and Sagar go to ask her what she is doing here. Saloni says sorry to Pulkit. Ganga tells Niru that the goons snatched that CD from her and ran away. She tells him everything that just happened. Niru scolds Ganga for taking that CD out of the home. What was the need to bring it here and then talk about it to just about anyone? Do you know what you have done? Ganga only wanted to save Pulkit Bhaiya. I don’t want any case. Wrong will happen with you all if you punish those who got my Bappa killed. I don’t want it. I had come to give you the CD and ask you to leave the case. Niru questions
her if everything will happen by her will. Many more people had died in that accident. Many houses were destroyed. Don’t they want justice? Tell them now that they wont get justice. Don’t use your brain if you cannot understand something. You made a grave mistake in your childishness. We had crucial evidence but we have nothing now. It’s all because of you. We are back on a dead end!
Raman is trying Niru’s number but his phone is unreachable. Everyone at home is worried for Niru. Amma ji says Ganga returned and started crying! Now she has turned into a stone! Niru is unreachable. Niru enters just then. Madhvi asks him lots of questions about Pulkit. Where is he? I told you to listen to Amma ji but you dint pay heed. Tell me where my son is! Pulkit comes as well. I am perfectly fine. They all go to him. Madhvi notices his wounds. She is very much concerned for him but he assures everyone that he is fine. Sagar tells them that MLA’s goons beat him. This shocks the family. Madhvi walks up to Niru. Did you hear what that MLA did to Pulkit before handing him over to police? Wont you give up the case now? Prabha says this wont happen. I will leave with my family now. I am not going to risk my life so anyone else can get justice. Madhvi seconds her. What’s the point of fighting for something that can destroy others? Ganga cannot get what she has lost but will you risk the life of your family members? Niru agrees. I don’t have any proof now all because of Ganga. There is no point fighting this case now! He walks off.
Ganga sits in a corner all sad. She thinks the first time when she had entered inside Chaturvedi Sadan and how he got angry on her today! Forgive me Babu. I created a very big problem for you. I only wanted to save Bhaiya but I ruined everything. I made a very big mistake.
MLA is angry with Saloni for signing a statement in Pulkit’s favour. I don’t like that guy at all. Saloni confronts him. I know everything. You are a criminal! You have a problem with Pulkit’s father and not him. You got Pulkit in jail so Niru uncle cannot fight the case. I cannot believe it that my father can stoop so low. He slaps her and then locks her in her room. Chandan tries to ask him to free his sister but he sends Chandan to his room. MLA clearly tells Saloni that this door will only open when she gets admitted in a boarding school. She refuses to go anywhere. He walks back towards the living room when he notices the goons. Saloni took her statement back even when you were there? How dare you come here now? The goon gives her the CD. He watches the CD and gets happy. He appreciates the goons for doing a good job. Now the case is finished! Poor Niru!
Niru is sitting all quiet as he drinks tea. Amma ji is glad that the CD is out of the house now. Luckily, Pulkit is also back now. Prabha shows fake concern. Amma ji calls it a signal from God that the CD went out of the house. It might have brought problems for us. It is good to help others but you have to look after your family too. Such social work wont get you anything. He heads upstairs without saying anything. Sagar notices everything. Madhvi asks him to have food. He asks her if papa is upset with Ganga. Madhvi does not reply.
Sagar walks till the main door while thinking about his father’s reaction towards Ganga. I too would have done the same thing if I was in her place. She dint do anything intentionally. A man holds out a paper before Sagar. Ganga’s photo is there in the paper. Sagar looks at the photo and then at the man. He introduces himself as Ganga’s FIL. She married my son but he died in the stampede on ghaat. I too left her back then but today I have come to take her back with me. Sagar thinks of his father and Dadi being upset with Ganga. If they find out about this then they will send her out. I cannot let it happen. He tells Ganga’s FIL that Ganga does not stay here. My Dadi is also a widow. She wears white saree. This girl does not stay here. He takes the paper and Ganga’s FIL’s phone number. I will let you know in case I get any info. The man leaves. Sagar is in thoughts. What if he comes again and sees Ganga? It will be a big problem then.
Prabha and Yash are all set to leave. She intentionally shouts loudly so someone tries to stop her. Amma ji instead asks Maharaj ji to call a rickshaw as Prabha wants to go home. Maharaj ji offers to drop her off till outside from where she can get the rickshaw. Mehri suggests him to drop her till home. Madhvi too asks her to call them once she reaches home. Prabha sadly leaves.
Sagar shows Ganga’s photo to Dadi. I dint win the competition so my photo dint get in the paper. Now she will be all the more arrogant. I don’t like her at all. I don’t want her here! Amma ji and Madhvi try to calm him but he doesn’t want his friends to tease him on his birthday. Send her somewhere for a few days. She gave such an important CD to those goons. Please send her. Madhvi tries to make him understand but Amma ji takes his side. Amma ji agrees to fulfil Sagar’s wish. It is your birthday so you will decide what you want. We will send her somewhere for a few days. I will think about it. Sagar thinks that her FIL wont be able to take Ganga with him as she wont be here for a few days.
Precap: Amma ji sends Ganga to the widow ashram for a few days. She leaves reluctantly.
Update Credit to: Pooja
Amma ji, Sagar and Madhvi come to talk to Ganga. She is still sitting quietly in a corner. Sudha too walks in. She asks Ganga to come with her. Ganga asks Bahu ji why she is sending her to that ashram. I am apologizing to everyone. Please don’t send me. Madhvi replies that it will be just for a few days. Amma ji wants you to learn the rules of widow life there. Ganga asks her who will take care of Sagar or play with her. Sagar rudely replies that he has a lot many friends. You should go! Ganga wants Madhvi not to lie to her. Babu is very angry with me so you are sending me away. No one wants me to stay here. You all want to send me out of the house! Please take me to Babu. I will apologize to him and touch his feet. Please don’t throw me out. Amma ji says it will be just for a few days. Don’t
you trust Bahu ji? She gives Ganga’s stuff to Sudha. Ganga leaves reluctantly. Madhvi confirms with Amma ji if it is for a few days only. We will call her back, right? Amma ji gives not so sure reply. Sagar mentally apologizes to Ganga for not stopping her. If I wouldn’t have done it then you might have left us for forever. This is why I dint stop you!
Madhvi asks Maharaj ji to give milk to both the kids. Niru is talking to Raghav ji on phone. Madhvi tells him about Ganga. Amma ji says I sent her to the ashram for a few days. She will learn prayers and rituals. Shraads are approaching. Niru agrees thinking that it will only be for a few days. He leaves for his study. Amma ji scolds Madhvi for not keeping quiet.
Babli is going to Allahabad University as Niru has got her admitted there. Babli hugs everyone one by one. She tells Madhvi to tell Ganga that I have sent lots of love for her. Sagar feels bad for sending Ganga to ashram forcefully. I couldn’t let her FIL take her. I am sorry Ganga! Babli leaves for Allahabad. Niru takes Pulkit aside.
Sagar waits for his van. He notices Ganga’s FIL talking to a nearby shopkeeper. He hides. What are they talking about? Ganga’s FIL leaves. Sagar asks the shopkeeper what that man was asking about. Shopkeeper tells him that he spoke about the little girl who stays in your house in white saree. I told him that she goes to ghaat with Amma ji daily morning. Sagar panics. What if I go to school and he comes back again? His school van comes. He cannot risk losing Ganga. He tells his van driver to drive off. I have some work. He wonders what he will tell his father.
Niru advises Pulkit not to go to school today because of his bruises. Your friends will ask you lots of questions. Amma ji agrees. Plus you don’t have to meet Saloni now. Pulkit says she isn’t at fault. He understands that his father does not want him to be friends with Saloni. Niru nods. She is a good person but his father is not a good man. Pulkit sadly leaves for his room. Sagar walks back inside the house. Niru tells Madhvi not to say anything to Pulkit come what may. Amma ji notices Sagar. Did you miss your van? Sagar holds his stomach and pretends as if he is in pain. Amma ji and Madhvi get concerned. Niru leaves for court. Call me in case the pain increases. Sagar apologises to them in his mind. I have to save Ganga or her FIL will take her away.
Mehri is massaging Amma ji’s feet. Door bell rings. A girl (Chandni), Pulkit’s classmate, has come to meet him. He dint come to school so I came to see if he is fine or not. Madhvi goes to call him but Amma ji stops her. She asks Chandni that she can give the message to her. Chandni denies so Amma ji makes her leave. Amma ji refuses to believe that it was genuinely some other girl and not Saloni. Chandni calls Pulkit. Saloni is locked in her room. Her phone has been taken away. Chandan helped me so I got to meet her. Saloni is missing you. She was crying badly. Her father is sending her to boarding tomorrow only. She has asked you to meet her at the bus stop tomorrow. Pulkit is shocked. Why dint you say something to me when you came to my house? Chandni shares that his Dadi behaved rudely with her. I did it for my friend.
Ganga is at the ghaat. She thinks of her first meeting with Niru; how he took her to his big house; how he cared for her and him shouting on her for losing that CD. You are very good Babu. You took me to your home. You fought with everyone for me. You dint even listen to Amma ji. You sent me to school. You always say that one should never lose but how did you give up then? I made a very big mistake. But I will do something to set it right.
Sagar is standing in the balcony. I will send Ganga’s FIL away if he comes home today. What if he comes at ghaat? Please don’t send him today God! Amma ji and Madhvi come there. Are you alright now? Sagar affirms. Pulkit asks his Dadi why he scolded his friend. She wasn’t Saloni but Chandni. Amma ji is irked that Pulkit has so many female friends. Sagar is confused. Why did Dadi mistook Chandni Didi for Saloni Didi? Madhvi replies that she was in the same school uniform so she scolded Chandni. Sagar gets an idea.
Precap: Niru gets to know that Solanki has gained conscious. Madhvi gets worried. You had decided to leave the case, right? Sagar has planned something. Amma ji wakes up and finds someone standing outside her room wearing white saree.
Update Credit to: Pooja

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